Current Students

M.A. in Studio Practice for Art Educators (Hybrid) Staff

Director of the Program in Art and Art Education
Dr. Olga Hubard
OFFICE: 444 Macy

Program Advisor and Instructor
Erika Vogt
OFFICE: 444 Macy

Art Education Office Secretary
Anna Urrea | (212) 678-3360
OFFICE: 444 Macy


The M.A. in Studio Practice for Art Educators (Hybrid) is a studio-based cohort program that accommodates many different students. Apart from specific studio courses tailored to individual needs and interests, students take the same courses towards completion of the degree.

We strongly recommend that students get in touch with their academic advisor early and stay connected throughout the program. Plan on meeting with your advisor during each Summer Residency to discuss your academic plans for the coming year. If you want to deviate from the standard course plan, you must discuss this with, and obtain approval from, your academic advisor. Failure to do so may delay completion of your degree. Remember, do not wait to ask questions; we welcome hearing from you.

We also encourage students to use the Summer Residency as an opportunity to exchange information about the program with peers.

Student Services

The Teachers College Office of Graduate Life and Professional Development (GSLD) offers an array of resources that support our students’ academic and career development as well as social, cultural, recreational, and wellness programs.

Visit the GSLD website to learn more about these programs and facilities, which are available to all M.A. in Studio Practice for Art Educators (Hybrid) students.

TC Office of Card Services

Your University ID is your passport to Teachers College and Columbia University. Learn more about privileges that the University ID Card confers on the TC Card Services website.

Obtaining Your University Card

Students can obtain their University ID Card by visiting the TC Office of Card Services:

Whittier Hall Suite 1B
1230 Amsterdam Avenue
New York, NY 10027

Please visit the Obtaining an ID Card webpage for more information about photo submission requirements.

Teachers College Information Technology

Teachers College Information Technology (TCIT) provides you with technical support, as well as other services and resources to enable your productive use of technologies for learning.

Support is available for these technologies and more:

  • The myTC Portal
  • TC Gmail
  • TC Apps
  • Qualtrics
  • Canvas
  • Moodle

Service Desk

The Service Desk is your first point of contact for technical support for campus information technology services including:

  • Setting up hardware or software for the first time
  • Campus network, internet, and phone connections
  • College internet accounts and passwords
  • PC and Mac Problems: Desktops and laptops must have a TC tag to be serviced by the Service Desk. The tag will say “Property of Teachers College”

You can contact us through any of these methods:

Self-Service: Click the red Service Desk icon on the myTC Portal
Phone: (212) 678-3300
Drop-in: Grace Dodge 70 (Monday-Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.)

Service Desk Hours of Operation

Monday-Thursday 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m.-1 p.m.
Evening and weekend support available only by appointment

Learn more about TCIT Services and Resources.

Technical Requirements for the M.A. in Studio Practice for Art Educators (Hybrid)

There are three technology requirements for the courses. First, as with all Teachers College courses, you must have the technology necessary to connect to and use the Canvas online learning platform. Canvas houses all components of the courses, such as documents (syllabus, readings, assignment guidelines, etc.). It is also the space for course activities like class presentations and discussions, group work, posting of artwork, and related critique activities, etc. The second technology requirement is for those students whose studio practice involves one or more digital media (imaging, video, audio). These students need to have access to the particular software needed to create their work. The third technology requirement is access to a scanner or digital camera and software to upload and post artwork (see below).

Software/Hardware for Making and Showing Art

As these courses involve the creation of artwork, you will present your studio work in Canvas for comment and assessment, both in assignment drop boxes and discussion boards.

High quality documentation of your artwork is essential because in an online setting, the scan or the digital image you upload and share with the class is the only evidence of what you created. You will need to consider effective lighting, sharpness of focus, color validity (matching image color to that of the artwork), etc.

For drawing/painting/printmaking/collage work, you will scan or take a digital photo of your work and post to the course site. For three-dimensional work, you will post one or more digital photographs. For digital work, you will save the file and upload to the course site. For hypermedia-based artwork, you will provide a link so that everyone can access your work.

Hardware/Software Needed

1. Access to a scanner and scanning software program so that you can scan your studio assignments, save your images to a computer file, and upload the images to the course site.


Access to a digital camera and the software necessary to download and perform basic image edits. You will take photos with a digital camera and upload images to the course site. Alternatively, you can use an analog camera and develop, scan, and upload the images.

2. Access to digital imaging software such as Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, GIMP, etc.

3. Students who work with video and/or audio may need access to iMovie, Audacity (free audio editing software), Final Cut Pro, Final Cut Elements, Windows Movie Maker, etc.

My Uni

All students need to activate the free Columbia University Network ID (UNI) and email account to receive official College notices and access to necessary University systems and services, including courses via the myTC Portal. Several days after you have paid your tuition deposit, you will be able to activate your UNI. Visit the My UNI page on the University’s website or your Admitted Student Portal to learn more about this critical tool and to activate your UNI.

MyTC Portal

The MyTC Portal acts as the “door” to a set of resources that will be important for you at Teachers College. It enables you to register for classes, check your financial aid status, and request technology support. The portal also includes links to courses, research groups, announcements, your personal profile, licensed software, and more. To access the myTC Portal, select “myTC” from the upper right corner of the TC home page or go directly to the portal’s login page. The myTC Portal requires a University Network ID (UNI) and a password. This password can only be obtained by activating your UNI or email account.

Boost Your Career With Support From TC NEXT

M.A. in Studio Practice for Art Educators (Hybrid) students and alumni have access to TC NEXT, an exclusive suite of personalized career services. These cover general career planning; job hunting help such as resume reviews and mock interviews; and even workshops on financial management and self care.

The goal of TC NEXT is to empower you to build your personal brand and shape your trajectory on your own terms and timeline. Students have access to on-demand resources as well as regular interactive events through the year, with many events and services available virtually.

Guided by the NEXUS model, a research-based approach to professional development, every aspect of the TC NEXT programming supports one or more of six elements: Community, Strategy, Growth, Purpose, Identity, and Skill Building.

To find out more, watch an overview video or browse FAQs about TC Next.


As a Teachers College student, you have access not only to the vast array of resources and services available through the College’s Gottesman Libraries but also to those of Columbia University’s other libraries and affiliates, including the Gabe M. Weiner Music & Arts Library. Additionally, students may use the New York Public Library of Performing Arts, located at Lincoln Center. You can learn more about Gottesman and other University libraries on their websites.

Leave of Absence Policy

Students enrolled in degree programs at Teachers College are expected to maintain continuous registration every Fall and Spring term. Students enrolled in Summer intensive programs are expected to be registered for coursework each Summer term. See the College’s Continuous Enrollment Policy.

This policy explains when, under appropriate circumstances, students may be permitted to take a leave of absence and be excused from the requirement of continuous registration.

Registration and Withdrawal Schedule

Please review the Registration Deadlines page for registration, add/drop and withdrawal deadlines, as well as for withdrawal refund policies.

Tuition Payment Due Dates

All payments are due by the opening day of the semester or on the official published due date. Payments received after the due date are subject to late fees. Please visit the Payment Deadlines page of the TC website for payment due dates and details about late payment fees.

Request Information

To learn more about the Master of Arts in Studio Practice for Art Educators (Hybrid), offered by Teachers College, Columbia University, fill out the fields below to download a brochure. If you have additional questions, please call (646) 733-4006 to speak with an enrollment specialist.

Teachers College, Columbia University has engaged AllCampus to help support your educational journey. AllCampus will contact you shortly in response to your request for information. About AllCampus. Privacy Policy. You may opt out of receiving communications at any time.

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